Thursday, February 15, 2007

What a Zoo!

"Then God said, 'Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.' And God created the great sea monsters, and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:20-21

When you spend all your time in the city, it is easy to forget some of the marvelous things that God has created. Last Saturday we visited the Belize Zoo. We got there early (9am) so it was relatively cool and almost all of the animals were active and visible. To me, beautiful animals such as these are all evidence of an incredible Designer.

This is a Black Howler Monkey. We have a lot of them near Jaguar Creek, and often hear them in the night. They make a sound that is hard to describe...if we didn't know it was just coming from a monkey we'd be terrified!

Belize has a wonderful variety of birds. Here are two; the Keel-billed Toucan, and the Scarlet Macaw (below). The Macaw is a 3 foot long parrot which unfortunately has been subjected to a lot of habitat destruction and also capture to be used as pets.

Can't have birds without cats. This Jaguar seemed very relaxed laying on this branch about 30 feet off the ground.

This one is an Ocelot. He is quite a bit smaller than a Jaguar, but would be a giant among house cats.

Two more animals that seemed very relaxed; an American Croc, and these Lesser Anteaters. I wish I could have got a picture of one of the anteater's tongues; they were amazingly long and fast!

Thanks for visiting our Blog....more later.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the pictures of the creatures... beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the pictures of the creatures... beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the pictures of the creatures... beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mark and Adrienne,

OK, I've now read back some posts.

These pictures are beautiful, they almost look fake.

I like the mix of everyday life, God's work and wonder and events that happen to you in Belize.

Keep up the good work.

Let the solar power keep the satellite connection going and keep you on the internet.